Uday Publication House

Uday Publication House

China's Roads in Indian Ocean

China's Roads in Indian Ocean
China's Roads in Indian Ocean
India's inability to develop interdependencies with neighboring countries, both economically and strategically, has left a void that China has dutifully fulfilled. There still remains a window for India to correct its past mistakes and develop a concerted strategy to regain influence in the region. The lack of an Indian grand strategy in its neighborhood cannot be emphasized enough, and it is alarming that consecutive Indian establishments have been unable to arrest this declining influence, while China's economically hostile developmental assistance accompanied with naval technology transfers intertwine the region in a web of institutional dependency. The options for India are simple – either it acquiesces to a Chinese hierarchy in the region by letting Beijing encroach upon its sphere of influence, or it takes a stand to preserve its strategic space and counters China's containment strategy by expanding its nautical reach. China's most advanced guided missile frigates, the ship will be equipped with anti-ship, anti-submarine and air-defence capabilities. The China Daily report goes on to say that the ship will not just strengthen Pakistan Navy's capabilities but also help in maintaining the “balance of power” in the Indian Ocean region. As China looks to expand its presence and profile in South Asia with the Belt and Road Initiative, a new paper suggests that a clash of strategic interests with India is inevitable. The present book is serve the very purpose meaningfully and give a fresh impetus to the scientific community for further research on geographical aspects on Indian Ocean, which we could not cover in this volume due to its limited scope.

Hitesh Kumar Mishra,  MBA (HR/Marketing)  from Andhra University and Diploma in Finance from Symbiosis, Pune and presently pursuing his MA(Hindi) from Andhra University.  He served Navy for more than two decades in Logistics Department and participated various Naval activities and operations like Ops Tasha, Ops Parakram and Ops Vijay. He has effectively participated during tsunami operation while borne onboard ship INS Nirupak.  He was also involved for disembarkation of Army Personnel from Somalia and Mogadeshu while borne onboard INS Ganga.  He underwent  various Naval Trainings, out of which he actively chosen his path as Instructor in Nuclear, Biological , Chemical and Damage Control including Fire Fighting.  An academic at core he has authored four books VIZ Environmental and Natural Resource Management, Indian Navy Warship and Leadership, Marine Warfare and Naval Vessels and Indian Navy through the ages.

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