Uday Publication House

Uday Publication House

The Naked Truth of Solitariness Never-married Working Women

The Naked Truth of Solitariness
Never-married Working Women

The Naked Truth of Solitariness
Never-married Working Women
Culturally and socially, marriage is considered as 'primary social institution' and every woman needs to be married in the society. Women who remain single, either by virtue of their situation or fate, are considered 'abnormal'.   Single women consist of several categories as unmarried, widow, separated and divorced.  It was found that the situation of 'other categories of single women' is slightly better when compared to the situation of 'unmarried women throughout their life', especially in the Indian context. They are treated as abnormal, as they failed to conform to the norm of marriage, and are also perceived to become 'problematic' in the society. There appear to be many reasons for women remaining unmarried, like family responsibility, financial constraints, high aspirations in spouse selection and also being career oriented. The present book provides insights on problems of the never married working women. This book attempts to explore and describe the demographic profile of never married women and the difficulties they face in their lives with regard to family relations and work context.  Also, the book throws light on the kind of treatment they get from family members, workplace and the society at large. The book also delves on the levels of their life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and perceptions on their status in the society.

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