Uday Publication House

Uday Publication House


Quality improvement in school education is the need of the hour.  The draft National Education Policy-2019 suggests measures to improve quality in education restructuring the present system by introducing 5+3+3+4 pattern with five years of foundational stage followed by three years of preparatory stage, three years of middle stage  and four years of secondary stage.  The policy also suggests for the extension of the coverage of RTE Act-2009 for all the children between the age group, 3 – 18 years.
This volume speaks on the  measures to be taken to improve quality in school education in the light of the recommendations made by the Committee on NET-2019 and highlights the opinions expressed by teachers, teacher educators, administrators and educational managers working at different levels.
Prof Nimma Venkata Rao (b. 1957) holds M.A. (Philosophy & Education) and Ph.D. in Education.  A seasoned teacher and keen researcher having over three decades professional standing, currently Dean, faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. A distinguished academician and able administrator, he has guided over 40 doctoral and thirteen M.Phil. scholars.  A prolific writer, he has authored thirteen outstanding books in education besides a plethora of research papers. Professor Rao is a recipient of State Best Teacher Award in 2014 from the Govt. of A.P., Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Academician Award in 2007 from Andhra University, UGC Faculty Award for International Study and Research Grant in 2004 and visited Kansas State University, USA in 2005 and recently visited California State University, Sanmarcos, CA, USA in 2019.  He served as Convener, Ed CET for three consecutive years (2012-14) in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.  He is the Member of State Level Committee constituted by A.P. State Council of Higher Education for establishing Teacher Education University in AP. Under his Coordinator ship, Two year B.Ed. curriculum was prepared  under the framework of the NCTE, New Delhi and implemented in the state of A.P.. Prof. Rao is a member in Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) constituted by Govt of A.P. He held the position of Director in the Directorate of Admissions, A.U. and served as a member of the committee on NEP-2019 constituted by APSCHE, Amaravathi, A.P.

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