Uday Publication House

Uday Publication House

India and China Strategic Energy Management and Security

India and China

Strategic Energy Management and Security
India and China

Strategic Energy Management and Security

China and India plan to work together to secure energy resources without unnecessarily bidding up the price of those resources, thereby agreeing to a consumer's cartel representing 2.3 billion potential consumers. Together, their combined markets and purchasing power offers an extremely attractive partner to energy producing states, especially the ones that face Western pressure over their human rights records or the nature of their political institutions. Energy security has become the essential premise for China to achieve its strategic goal of quadrupling its gross domestic product (GDP) from 2000 to 2020. The Chinese government has worked hard to prevent energy from becoming a bottleneck undermining vibrant growth and social stability. China is committed to cultivating a new economic growth mode featuring low input, low energy consumption, low pollution, and high efficiency. China's short-term goal is to reduce the use of energy per unit of GDP by 20 percent by 2010, and achieve energy conservation and efficiency. India's experience with regulated tariffs has been a mixed story with prices often determined by the higher courts after a long drawn legal process. There are examples from the electricity and the aviation sector that bring out the challenges of tariff regulation.  Ideally, the Government should regulate prices for only those businesses which are natural monopolies and leave the rest for the market forces. This book is highly useful for a general understanding of energy related issues and to understand the present energy-crisis in a holistic way.

M. K. Singh, who has obtained his all higher degrees from Delhi University, is a widely acclaimed author and scholar. He has authored so many books on social sciences. He is known all over the academic world for his intellect and insight. A social scientist to the core, having attended many seminars and workshops, he has written many articles on the subjects pertaining to social science. He had also been selected for Ethiopia University as Professor.

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