Uday Publication House

Uday Publication House

Transformation towards a Learning Organisation in Steel Industry

Transformation towards  a Learning  Organisation  in Steel Industry
Transformation towards  a Learning  Organisation  in Steel Industry
A company's survival and success depends more and more on its ability to learn. Learning faster than its competitors and instant implementation looks to be the core competitive advantage in the present turbulent business scenario world over. To cope up with the ever changing business dynamics, the organizations are leaving no stone unturned in enquiring into the ways and means of improving the performance of business organizations through continuous learning at the organizational level.
The challenges for organizational learning, importance of continuous improvement through learning, transformation of old staid companies into a “Learning Organization” (LO) becomes an exciting area of research in Indian industrial setting.
This book addresses what is a Learning organization, how it can be measured, how the organizations transform into LO with continuous improvement through learning, with special reference to a NAVRATNA recipient Steel making company in the domestic steel sector.

Dr. D. Satyanarayana is Manager (Mech.) in Visakhapatnam Steel Plant and has put in thirty years of work experience in the Organization. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Degree from College of Engineering, Andhra University and MBA as well as Ph.D Degrees from Department of Commerce & Management Studies, Andhra University.  He is also one of the BVQI qualified Internal Auditors for TQM in the Plant. He was awarded with Best Internal Auditor in the plant for OHSAS-18001 system in 2018. He is also one of the internal faculty members in Technical Training Centre of the Plant for Junior Officers' Comprehensive Managerial course.  He participated in several National and International Seminars related to Spirituality & Management. His areas of interest are Leadership, Knowledge Management & Quality of work life. Presently he is academically working on the concept of developing Self Managed Teams for Organizational Excellence.

Timeless Ethos of the INDIAN WARRIOR

Timeless Ethos of the INDIAN WARRIOR
Timeless Ethos of the INDIAN WARRIOR
 “My compliments on a well written book. Your coverage of the Indian Warrior from the period of Vedic times to Indian war of Independence, including your insights on 'Warrior Ethos of Modern Indian Warrior' are informative and educative. The coverage of the 'Maritime Heritage of India 'and the 'War in the Skies' is indeed interesting. I am sanguine that this book will be well received by its readers.”
Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC Chief of Naval Staff.
“Compliments to you for succinctly describing the essence of contours of soldiering from Vedic era to modern day. Evolution of warfare in the Indian subcontinent with historical perspectives has been aptly summarized”
Lt Gen B.S. Negi , PVSM , UYSM , YSM , SM , VSM , ADC, GOC-in-C.
“Your book makes an interesting reading and gives an insight into the past heritage of Indian Army relevant contemporary issues of present times, which are of interest to the Army. I am sanguine that this book will certainly improve the knowledge of officers of the Indain Army”
Lt Gen Cherish Mathson, PVSM, SM , VSM, GOC-in-C
“The Indian Armed Forces are always been a symbol of excellence and dedication and a soldier invariably evoke admiration and trust everywhere in the country. I am sure that the Book will transmit this message to its readers.”
 Air Marshal I.P.Vipin, VM—Commandant National Defence Academy, Khadakwasala, Pune.
“Please accept my compliments on authoring “Timeless Ethos of the Indian Warrior”. The book pieces together the genesis and evolution of the Ethos of an Indian soldier very lucidly. It would definitely serve as a guide to budding mil ldrs who are under trg at OTA, Chennai”
Lt Gen Sanjeev Kanal , AVSM, Commandant OTA , Chennai.
Lt Gen SRR Aiyengar, was commissioned in the Corps of Signals, Indian Army on 11 June 1961.Graduated from, National Defence Academy, Khadakvasala and later Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, The officer had an illustrious career in the Indian Army spanning nearly four decades. He has rich experience in serving in almost all types of Signal units to include Infantry, Mountain and Mechanized formations. Graduate of the prestigious 'Defence Services Staff College(DSSC)'. He obtained his MSC in Defence Studies from University of Madras. He commanded a Mtn Div Sig Regt in the North East in active CI ops environment. His staff assignments outside his parent Corps includes, BM of an Mtn Bde in Ladakh, Col GS of an Inf Div in J&K and ADG CAB(Complaints Advisory Board) at the Army HQs.


 Domestic violence is a widespread problem throughout the developed and developing world and makes serious impact on quality of human life and broader development. Violence against women is the manifestation of a historically unequal power relationship between men and women. Today violence against women is an uncontrollable phenomenon, which is a direct result of the rapid urbanization, industrialization and structural adjustment which are changing the socio-economic scenario of our country.

Dr. S. Jaheeruddin is an Assistant Professor in faculty of Law, Smt.Basava Rama Tarakam Memorial Law College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. He did graduate from S.V.University and finished his Master of Social Work (MSW), B.L., M.L from Sri Venkateswary University, Tirupathi, B.Ed. from Yogi Vemana University, M.B.A. from JNTUA and Ph.D. from Acharaya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. His research areas of interest include community development, Women Empowerment and Livelihood etc. and guiding B.L and LLB (5 years course) in the department of Law. Prior to his present affiliation, he worked 3 years had been consultant in law, legal aid & family counseling. Several articles in different areas have been published in different journals. He is Life member of Indian society of Professional Social Work (ISPSW), Bangalore and also Life Member in Indian Red Cross Society, Hyderabad. He taught and delivered lectures on different social science subjects in various institutions in Andhra Pradesh. 

The Naked Truth of Solitariness Never-married Working Women

The Naked Truth of Solitariness
Never-married Working Women

The Naked Truth of Solitariness
Never-married Working Women
Culturally and socially, marriage is considered as 'primary social institution' and every woman needs to be married in the society. Women who remain single, either by virtue of their situation or fate, are considered 'abnormal'.   Single women consist of several categories as unmarried, widow, separated and divorced.  It was found that the situation of 'other categories of single women' is slightly better when compared to the situation of 'unmarried women throughout their life', especially in the Indian context. They are treated as abnormal, as they failed to conform to the norm of marriage, and are also perceived to become 'problematic' in the society. There appear to be many reasons for women remaining unmarried, like family responsibility, financial constraints, high aspirations in spouse selection and also being career oriented. The present book provides insights on problems of the never married working women. This book attempts to explore and describe the demographic profile of never married women and the difficulties they face in their lives with regard to family relations and work context.  Also, the book throws light on the kind of treatment they get from family members, workplace and the society at large. The book also delves on the levels of their life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing and perceptions on their status in the society.


The economic role of street vendors is substantial and crucial. The social status of street vendor, the vendors play a crucial role in development of due to their direct and greater participation in the economic process. Industrialization and its side effects have changed the life of street vendors in a drastic way and made them face difficult situations. Street vendors are the worst suffers, as exploitation and harassment of street vendors by police, local bodies, general public and they have to work much harder in search of place, light, sanitation, water, finance and storage space.

Dr. J.R. Sreenatha Babu, born in Anantapur City, Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh. Being a Social Science Graduate and established Social Studies Teacher at Vidyabhyasa, Hyderabad, his interests further shifted to study of Social Work. His selection of a Social work topic to his Ph.D. thesis reflects his affection towards Social work, after getting his M.A. in Sociology (specialization with Social Work)., M.S.W (Master of Social Work)., M.A. in Public Administration., M.A. in Economics, M.HRM (MBA-HRM)., and M.Ed. “The Journey of Urban Street Vendors for their livelihood in Greater Visakhapatnam city” study is a unique contribution to Research field for which he is awarded Ph.D. from Acharya Nagarjuna University. His commitment and micro level and in-depth, intensive studies are now reflecting with clear images and he promises qualitative Research to the field of social work. He has been published in Several Articles in different areas in different journals. He taught and delivered lectures on different social science subjects in various institute in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State.

Systemic Change in Teacher Education

Systemic Change in Teacher Education
Systemic Change in Teacher Education
 The success of any educational system depends mainly on the teacher–his attitude towards the profession and commitment towards the learner. Quality improvement in Teacher Education is the need of the hour.  There is mushrooming of Teacher Education Institutions across the country during the recent years.
This volume speaks on various aspects concerning quality improvement in Teacher Education in the context of the recommendations made by the Committee on NPE-2019 and highlights the challenges faced by the Teacher Education Institutions today.  It also makes suggestions for quality improvement in Teacher Educators, who are in the pursuit of making future teachers of the nation.  This book is highly useful for all those who are directly or indirectly connected with Teacher Education.

Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao (b. 1957) holds M.A. (Philosophy & Education) and Ph.D. in Education.  A seasoned teacher and keen researcher having over three decades professional standing, currently Dean, faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. A distinguished academician and able administrator, he has guided over 40 doctoral and thirteen M.Phil. scholars.  A prolific writer, he has authored thirteen outstanding books in education besides a plethora of research papers. Professor Rao is a recipient of State Best Teacher Award in 2014 from the Govt. of A.P., Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Academician Award in 2007 from Andhra University, UGC Faculty Award for International Study and Research Grant in 2004 and visited Kansas State University, USA in 2005 and recently visited California State University, Sanmarcos, CA, USA in 2019.  He served as Convener, Ed CET for three consecutive years (2012-14) in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.  He is the Member of State Level Committee constituted by A.P. State Council of Higher Education for establishing Teacher Education University in AP. Under his Coordinator ship, Two year B.Ed. curriculum was prepared  under the framework of the NCTE, New Delhi and implemented in the state of A.P.. Prof. Rao is a member in Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) constituted by Govt of A.P. He held the position of Director in the Directorate of Admissions, A.U. and served as a member of the committee on NEP-2019 constituted by APSCHE, Amaravathi, A.P.


The main objective of this volume is to assess and analyze emerging steep challenges in the field of sustainable development in India through latest Geospatial Technology.  The geospatial technology offers an ideal environment for integrating spatial and attributes data on natural resources and environment, and for subsequent generation of optimal land use plan in the field of sustainable development. This book also  provide an overview of the importance of the land degradation problem, concepts of sustainable development based on conservation of land and water resources and to identify sustainability indicators and to illustrate the role of Geo-informatics.
It is expected that the present volume will serve the research scholars/researchers/scientists working in the field of sustainable development and geospatial technology. As we know that the geospatial technology provides not only numerous scientific applications and benefits that can be used efficiently but also helps in the day to day decision making processes in an ever-increasing range of applications. The present book intends to provide basic knowledge as well as application techniques towards making our planet earth's natural resources more sustainable.
Dr. S.K. Mishra is presently principal in GDC Memorial College, Bahal (Bhiwani) Hariyana Affiliated to C.B.L. University, Bhiwani). Formerly head of the Department Defence Studies, various Govt. College of Haryana (HES-I). He has been teaching in the department since 1979. He has participated, presented, keynote speaker and chairperson in many national/international seminars and workshops related to national security National interest, Peace development and humanity. He is also as advisor of Defence Monitor National Magazine. He has written edited 38 books and more than a thousand articles and research articles on security and defence and development subjects published in national and international journals, Magazines and Newspapers. Dr. Mishra has also participated in many debates, discussions and extension lectures on these and other current affairs on the Door Darshan and Radio.
He has received  the First, Second and Third prize for original and quality writing of India's defense and security issues in Hindi by the Ministry of Defence Govt. of India continuously for Three times. Special awards for quality essay writing by the Human resource and development ministry. Govt. of India in 2000. 'Man of the year' award in 1999 given by the American Biographical institute Awarded and honored by Distinct and state administrative of Haryana Government as also by various social, educational and literary institutions of the region. He is also visiting fellow in Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur. He is also examine and conducted Ph.D. Viva Voce Top most rank officers of Indian Army and Air force of the Army Staff (General), Lt. Gen., Major Gen. Wing Commander.
Vinod Kumar is presently Assistant professor in Department of Geography GDC Memorial College, Bahal (Bhiwani) Haryana (Affiliated to C.B.L. University, Bhiwani). He has worked in various project related to geospatial technology at Haryana Space Applications Centre (HarSAC), CCSHAU, Hisar. He has presented 25 research papers in National/International conference/seminar and workshop related to applications of geospatial technologies in sustainable development and natural resources management.  He has written 22 research papers in national and International repudiated journals. He has also attended many training program related to geospatial technologies.
Manish Kumar is presently Assistant professor and Head of Department of Geography GDC Memorial College, Bahal (Bhiwani) Haryana (Affiliated to C.B.L. University, Bhiwani). He has presented and participated in 18 National/International conference/seminar and workshop related to applications of geospatial technologies in sustainable development and Global Environment Issues. He has written 10 research papers in national and International repudiated journals. He has also attended many training program related to research innovation.

STAID SURAJ -The journey of a fled Preteenager


The journey of a fled Preteenager
The journey of a fled Preteenager

“Staid Suraj, The Journey of A Fled Preteenager” mirrors the unfortunate suffering of a lad 'Suraj', who belongs to a high caste Hindu, Landlord Brahmin family. Suraj lost his mother at a very young age of five. Considering Suraj's due upbringing, his father(clerk in a local tobacco godown)  married a young Brahmin widow, who was already mother of two kids Chitra and Arun.
            Under the barbarous shadow of step mother, Suraj loosen his grip of sustainability in family and ran away one midnight, after being beaten dark and blue by his father (The only loving being for his world). 
            From the possible fear of being caught 'without ticket' by some bully GRP (Government Railway Police) on train, Suraj encased himself in toilet, where he fainted in the boiling threshold of foul gases and failed to dismount on 'Desri' Railway Station (where he was supposed to).
            The novel touches cunning and critical responses by society(in terms of human trafficker, vendor and policeman) for a lost and helpless lad. 
            Suraj fortunately encounters a Pujari, who took him to his Nanighar, extending his sympathetic helping hand on the sheer sight of Janeu (a sacred thread worn round the body by high caste Hindu Males) and bruises all around his body. 
            On various occasion he is enlightened with valuable universal truth of life and experiences critical outlook of society in terms of castism.  The novel is not untouched with comical episodes and reflects multiple sector like family (inter relationship), self management, social administration, spiritual, moral, high minded values and more ……


Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist, cautions that one must know ourselves, our enemy and our battlespace. Social Media delivers on all three. The Internet has become a new battlefield in ways that blur the line between war and peace.
Social media today is an quintessential part of our life. It is rapidly growing in popularity and proliferating at an alarming pace. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WhatsApp have grown into very powerful tools with tremendous impact on daily life and routine. These platforms have the power to influence minds and shape perceptions. Governments and armies around the world are exploring possibilities of adopting it as a strategic weapon. Social media platforms are finding use as tools of Information Operations, Perception Management, Psychological Operations, and Cyber Warfare. It acts as a potent conduit for open source intelligence. Social Media is also emerging as an enabler in "Asymmetric warfare" through the exploitation of people's aspirations, differential development, religious beliefs, and cultural leanings. It has very high penetration levels and a large number of people are connected through sharing experiences, pictures, documents, and media.
Social media is deeply influencing the method of war fighting. It can influence the hearts and minds of a very large audience and may be termed as a weapon of mass instruction and disruption that can have tangible benefits for military planners. The cyber domain threatens regional and national security in ways that are uncommon in the other traditional domains of land, sea, air, and space. Within the traditional domains, these types of actions are relatively recognizable and easier to classify as acts of war, but in cyberspace the underlying intent and attribution of a cyber attack are difficult to discern. Successful social media operations may act as a powerful force multiplier for both conventional and cyber capabilities.
This book is an attempt to highlight the many facets of social media and its impact on contemporary wars/conflicts.

Lt Gen SRR Aiyengar, was commissioned in the Corps of Signals, Indian Army on 11 June 1961.Graduated from, National Defence Academy, Khadakvasala and later Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, The officer had an illustrious career in the Indian Army spanning nearly four decades. He has rich experience in serving in almost all types of Signal units to include Infantry, Mountain and Mechanized formations. Graduate of the prestigious 'Defence Services Staff College(DSSC)'. He obtained his MSC in Defence Studies from University of Madras. He commanded a Mtn Div Sig Regt in the North East in active CI ops environment. His staff assignments outside his parent Corps includes, BM of an Mtn Bde in Ladakh, Col GS of an Inf Div in J&K and ADG CAB(Complaints Advisory Board) at the Army HQs.
His service was commended and was awarded VSM in Jan 1989 in recognition of distinguished services in the execution of Electronic Warfare(EW) and Signal Intelligence(SI) plans during OP PAWAN. His professional qualifications also include attending the 'Senior Defence Management Course' at the College of Defence Management at Secunderabad. He was later elected as a 'Fellow' of All India Management Association.  Was nominated to attend the prestigious 'National Defence College Course' in 1990 and obtained his M Phil in 'Defence and Strategic Studies' from University of Madras. He was decorated with AVSM in Jan 1993 and in recognition of distinguished service of the highest order, during his long and illustrious career, by the President with an award of PVSM in Jan 1999. The General Officer has the unique distinction of commanding three premier training institutions of the Armed Forces namely, MCTE, DSSC and NDC.
A very keen student of Military Technology, National Security Affairs and International and Strategic Relations, the General Officer has also represented the country in Asian Regional Forum (ARF) Heads of Defence Universities/Colleges and Military Institutions (HDUCIM), interacting with as many as 20 Strategic Institutions across the globe.  The General officer has authored many papers and conceived strategic projects (EW) and contributes regularly to various military journals and publications. His book on 'Military Ethics' has been commended by many. Retired from active service in Apr 2001.



This book is a study on Indian Drama in English. The book gives an in depth study on the plays of Vijay Tendulker, a Marathi playwright, and Badal Sircar, a Benglai Playwright. It gives insights into six plays of Tendulkar and four plays of Sircar. The book brings out various themes such as violence, evil nature of man, social hierarchical system in India, the problem of untouchability, exploitation of natural resources, the conflict between social morality and self morality, the effects of unemployment and the changing structures of family system in India. The content of the book can enlighten the readers, and also it is useful for research scholars.

Dr. B Lakshmaiah, M.A (English), M.A (Education) M.A. (Philosophy) M. Phil (English) and Ph.D (English) NET (English), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Andhra University Campus, Vizianagaram. He has twelve years of teaching experience in post graduation. He is specialized in English Language Teaching. His scholarly research articles, more than sixteen, have been published in national and international journals. He presented research papers on different subjects in more than fifteen national and international seminars and conferences. He acted as the course coordinator for four years in the department of English. He was invited to give guest lectures by various colleges. He is a regular guest lecturer in the Department of English, at School of Distance of Education, Andhra University.


This study analyses the impact of Multi Product SEZs on employment, and export performance .The study focus on the problems faced by the Displaced Families due to the establishment of Multi Product SEZ, at Atchutapuram, with reference to their economic status before and after their displacement. The study examines the utilization pattern of compensation owing to displaced families of Multi Product SEZ, Atchutapuram. The study estimates the determinants of affected person's satisfactory levels of the Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy benefits among the selected sample households.
In this study, the adverse effects of SEZ displaced families are identified and arranged in the descending order of endorsement which include loss of land, public purpose of private commercial ventures is questionable, people without nonfarm skills suffered a lot, grave inadequacy of package of compensation, replacement of farming with private industrial enclaves, disruption to traditional rural life, fragmentation of holdings, growth of real estate business, resettlement and rehabilitation are far from satisfaction, vulnerable sections are further marginalized, loss of livelihood opportunities, diversion of huge amount of water to SEZ threatened food security, forced acquisition of land, women are forced to work more, loss of non-land assets, unemployment for a long period led to severe poverty, the promise of job is the most disappointment, employment is short lived, distress sale of movable assets, speculation in property markets, land reforms in reverse, low work participation rate, purchasing power has gone down due to increase in land prices, out migration, loss of livelihood due to loss of pastures, rate of compensation was uneven across different social categories and occupational shift.
Ultimately the study suggests that SEZ displaced families must be treated as stakeholders rather than as beneficiaries of the program. Social tensions in SEZ areas must be minimized by well attending the interests of SEZ displaced families. The Financial development of the SEZ displaced families must be aimed at through the means of compensation packages offered by the SEZs and Priority should be given for employment of SEZ displaced families with the contractors, as they have lost their land, the principal source of their livelihood.
More sincere efforts are required to save the agricultural land of the periphery villages from contamination due to deposition of fly ash or spread of polluted water of the factory into their land. Immediate compensation may be given to people who suffer from loss of crops due to ecological hazards caused by the factory and death of animals by drinking polluted water. In order to promote skill among the SEZ displaced families Government as well as the SEZ Authorities should make provision of institutional training facilities with the provision of credit facility on easy terms for the same. The Government should come forward with programmes like employment guarantee Scheme or any other wage-employment or self-employment schemes to enable the poor SEZ displaced families at least few days of employment for their sustenance. 'In order to provide gender justice with respect to rehabilitation, proper steps should be taken, so that it could strengthen the right to livelihood and survival of women folk. For this purpose, the gender sensitive data of impacts of displacement and resettlement should be analyzed and corrective measures should be adopted.
Dr. Killi Appanna Babu (1979) is having his early education in Narsipatnam. He did M.A.Economics in Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. After joining into the Ph.D programme, he was awarded with UGC-Junior Research Fellowship. He completed his Doctoral work by 2018. He is having Five Years of Teaching Experience at different levels. To his credit he had good number of publications and field experience. He had Published Seven Research papers in the National and International Referred Journals. He had attended a number of twenty Seminars, Conferences and workshops held at different Universities. He has presented Nine Seminar and Conference papers and one of them was published in the Edited Volume. He is also acquainted with soft skills. He also worked as field investigator in different Research Institutes like CESS, Hyderabad.     He has acquired sufficient Knowledge on the issues and challenges prevailing at the gross root level due to the personal interaction with the cross section of people during the field surveys. Hence, emerged as a good researcher.


Education is widely valued not only for its intrinsic value in enriching the lives of individuals but also for its functional value in the development of the human capital of a nation. Educational investments in children have been shown to have high private and social returns. The private returns are associated with increased productivity and earnings in adulthood, and with further non-pecuniary gains arising from the greater efficiency with which educated individuals are able to acquire and process information (Rosenzweig,1995). The social premium to education over and above the private value includes further productivity increases arising from knowledge spill over, gains in health for one generation that flow from gains in education for the previous, and the improved functioning of civic society and democracy. Thus, widespread education not only helps growth through productivity effects, but is also crucial to distribution of the gains from growth.


Quality improvement in school education is the need of the hour.  The draft National Education Policy-2019 suggests measures to improve quality in education restructuring the present system by introducing 5+3+3+4 pattern with five years of foundational stage followed by three years of preparatory stage, three years of middle stage  and four years of secondary stage.  The policy also suggests for the extension of the coverage of RTE Act-2009 for all the children between the age group, 3 – 18 years.
This volume speaks on the  measures to be taken to improve quality in school education in the light of the recommendations made by the Committee on NET-2019 and highlights the opinions expressed by teachers, teacher educators, administrators and educational managers working at different levels.
Prof Nimma Venkata Rao (b. 1957) holds M.A. (Philosophy & Education) and Ph.D. in Education.  A seasoned teacher and keen researcher having over three decades professional standing, currently Dean, faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. A distinguished academician and able administrator, he has guided over 40 doctoral and thirteen M.Phil. scholars.  A prolific writer, he has authored thirteen outstanding books in education besides a plethora of research papers. Professor Rao is a recipient of State Best Teacher Award in 2014 from the Govt. of A.P., Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Academician Award in 2007 from Andhra University, UGC Faculty Award for International Study and Research Grant in 2004 and visited Kansas State University, USA in 2005 and recently visited California State University, Sanmarcos, CA, USA in 2019.  He served as Convener, Ed CET for three consecutive years (2012-14) in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.  He is the Member of State Level Committee constituted by A.P. State Council of Higher Education for establishing Teacher Education University in AP. Under his Coordinator ship, Two year B.Ed. curriculum was prepared  under the framework of the NCTE, New Delhi and implemented in the state of A.P.. Prof. Rao is a member in Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) constituted by Govt of A.P. He held the position of Director in the Directorate of Admissions, A.U. and served as a member of the committee on NEP-2019 constituted by APSCHE, Amaravathi, A.P.


The book 'Problems and Prospects of Tribal Elementary School Education' is an attempt to focus on the crucial problems and prospects relating to school matters at tribal elementary school level.  An attempt has also been made to enquire into the nature and extent of community participation in school affairs at elementary level. This book helps researchers, educational policy makers and planners to emphasize how developing positive attitude towards stakeholders' participation in school matters and engaging them in school affairs is really essential. Besides, it helps to create awareness on parents/community members how their active participation in school matters is vital for the success of their children's schooling.  Therefore, educational policy makers and administrators must initiate plans for the active involvement of parents and community members in all the school related activities. Policy makers should also help the community in awareness creation and then developing a positive attitude that there should be a symbiotic relation between the community and school for enhancing children's learning in elementary schools.
Dr. Cheepuru Eswara Rao did his post-graduation M.A in Political Science (2011-2013) and M.Ed.(2004-2005)from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He was awarded his PhD Degree in Education for his work on Problems and Prospects of Tribal Elementary School Education. At present, he has been working as Guest Faculty in the Department of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has good experiences in research undertakings at various levels. He has also participated in various conferences, workshops and training programmes. This book was brought out with an unreserved effort of Prof. Gara Latchanna, Professor and Head, Department of Education, Andhra University.


Dr. Gade Sreenuvasalu Naidu (Born in 1966) had his Post graduation as in M.Tech, M.Sc. M.A. (Edu) and B.Ed. He further enriched his knowledge by obtaining Ph.D. degree in Education (2017) from Andhra University under the Guidance of Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao, Dean, Faculty of Education, A.U. He joined as Secondary Grade Teacher in Panchyat Raj School in 1996 in Vijayanagaram Dist and continued in service till 2007. While in service, He actively involved in Panchayat Raj Teacher union activities and served as PRTU Front Floor Leader in combined state of Andhra Pradesh. During his service, he received number of Rewards and appreciation for his contribution for the welfare of  Teachers community. Dr. Naidu is a dedicated teacher and during his working period he observed the field and working problems of teachers in School Education and determined to do serve better for the upliftment of working, living and service  conditions of the Teachers as well as strengthening Govt. Schools,  particularly in Tribal and Rural areas. With this intension, he tendered his resignation to his Govt.Teacher job and contested in Teachers MLC Elections and elected twice consequently as M.L.C in A.P. Legislative Council, from Uttarandhra Teachers constituency. The major achievement of Dr.Naidu as Front Floor Leader in PRTU is the unification of service for the benefit of Panchyat Raj teachers for getting promotions and up gradation, which was consented by the President of Indian Republic Shri Pranab Mukherji in 2017.This stands a mile stone on the career of Naidu and add a feathering his cap. He hails from rural area of Vijayanagaram District and his father Sri G. Venku Naidu, Rtd. C.E.O, Zilla Parishad and mother smt. Syansamma house wife. Dr. Naidu has been associated in many affirmative action groups working for the welfare of the Teachers and education of tribal population as well as in rural areas. The secret behind success in all the endeavours is support of his wife Smt. Laxmi presently working as Teacher in ZP School in VZM.
Editor's Desk: Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. This book is revealed about the study of  Primary Education in Tribal area by Dr. G.S. Naidu, which is very useful to all Academicians and Researchers in the field of  Education specifically for functionaries in the tribal belt.




Dr. Gade Sreenuvasalu Naidu (Born in 1966) had his Post graduation as in M.Tech, M.Sc. M.A. (Edu) and B.Ed. He further enriched his knowledge by obtaining Ph.D. degree in Education (2017) from Andhra University under the Guidance of Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao, Dean, Faculty of Education, A.U. He joined as Secondary Grade Teacher in Panchyat Raj School in 1996 in Vijayanagaram Dist and continued in service till 2007. While in service, He actively involved in Panchayat Raj Teacher union activities and served as PRTU Front Floor Leader in combined state of Andhra Pradesh. During his service, he received number of Rewards and appreciation for his contribution for the welfare of  Teachers community. Dr. Naidu is a dedicated teacher and during his working period he observed the field and working problems of teachers in School Education and determined to do serve better for the upliftment of working, living and service  conditions of the Teachers as well as strengthening Govt. Schools,  particularly in Tribal and Rural areas. With this intension, he tendered his resignation to his Govt.Teacher job and contested in Teachers MLC Elections and elected twice consequently as M.L.C in A.P. Legislative Council, from Uttarandhra Teachers constituency. The major achievement of Dr.Naidu as Front Floor Leader in PRTU is the unification of service for the benefit of Panchyat Raj teachers for getting promotions and up gradation, which was consented by the President of Indian Republic Shri Pranab Mukherji in 2017.This stands a mile stone on the career of Naidu and add a feathering his cap. He hails from rural area of Vijayanagaram District and his father Sri G. Venku Naidu, Rtd. C.E.O, Zilla Parishad and mother smt. Syansamma house wife. Dr. Naidu has been associated in many affirmative action groups working for the welfare of the Teachers and education of tribal population as well as in rural areas. The secret behind success in all the endeavours is support of his wife Smt. Laxmi presently working as Teacher in ZP School in VZM.
Editor's Desk: Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. This book is revealed about the study of  Primary Education in Tribal area by Dr. G.S. Naidu, which is very useful to all Academicians and Researchers in the field of  Education specifically for functionaries in the tribal belt.

The draft report on National Education Policy-2019 highlights the need for Research and Innovation in the country.  Research and innovation is central to growing and sustaining  a large and vibrant society and economy.  It is the vision of the document to establish the National Research Foundation, which will catalyze and expand research and innovation in the country.  The foundation would help the institutions as well as individuals by providing funds for the outstanding research proposals across the disciplines as determined by peer review.
The book highlights various Research studies conducted by the Research Scholars of the Department in different areas in the field of Education under the supervision and expertise guidance of Prof. Nimma Venkata Rao.  It is a source book for the new entrants in the field of Research in Education and provides useful information relating to Research for the teachers, teacher educators, research scholars and students who are interested in research and innovation.

Prof Nimma Venkata Rao (b. 1957) holds M.A. (Philosophy & Education) and Ph.D. in Education.  A seasoned teacher and keen researcher having over three decades professional standing, currently Dean, faculty of Education, Andhra University, Visakhapatanam. A distinguished academician and able administrator, he has guided over 40 doctoral and thirteen M.Phil. scholars.  A prolific writer, he has authored thirteen outstanding books in education besides a plethora of research papers. Professor Rao is a recipient of State Best Teacher Award in 2014 from the Govt. of A.P., Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Best Academician Award in 2007 from Andhra University, UGC Faculty Award for International Study and Research Grant in 2004 and visited Kansas State University, USA in 2005 and recently visited California State University, Sanmarcos, CA, USA in 2019.  He served as Convener, Ed CET for three consecutive years (2012-14) in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh.  He is the Member of State Level Committee constituted by A.P. State Council of Higher Education for establishing Teacher Education University in AP. Under his Coordinator ship, Two year B.Ed. curriculum was prepared  under the framework of the NCTE, New Delhi and implemented in the state of A.P.. Prof. Rao is a member in Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC) constituted by Govt of A.P. He held the position of Director in the Directorate of Admissions, A.U. and served as a member of the committee on NEP-2019 constituted by APSCHE, Amaravathi, A.P. .

Leadership in Armed Forces | Defence

Leadership in Armed Forces

Leadership in Armed Forces
The Indian Armed Forces is one of the National Institutions which has to remain highly effective so as to ensure security of the nation. The Armed Forces strive on its soldiers who are motivated to sacrifice their lives at the time of need. This can be largely attributed to the silent, sacrificing soldiers, and above all, the role by the armed forces leadership in upholding their values and image. As the age old dictum goes, "a nation's army is as good or bad as its officer's corps". They are the pace setters and conscience keepers of the Armed Forces.
   Dr. V. Hari Babu, had his PG degrees in Public Administration,  Political Science, and PG Diplomas in Disaster Management and  Computer Applications. He further enriched his knowledge by obtaining  Ph.D  degree in Rural Health Care delivery system in India (2007), from Andhra University Presently he is working as  Assistant Professor in Dept of Political Science & Public Administration, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Previously Dr Hari served as  Research Associate in UGC-Academic Staff College, Andhra University. He published 2 books and 20 Research Papers in various  National and International  Journals. He also  presented papers in National conferences, seminars and participated in workshops. He is associated with many affirmative social acts and groups to serve the society. He is life member of ICSSR, IIPM, APPA(AP Public Administration) and many NON Govt. Organizations.  He is a humanist.

The book is divided in to two parts. Part one, reproduces authentic material on human rights from the UNO, including the classic text of Thomas Paine on Rights of Man. Part two deals with reflections of scholars and experts on human rights as practiced in India and its limitations. The book deals with the introduction to the concept of human rights, mechanisms, strategies, universal human rights as considered by the United Nations Organisation in its own words. It provides select and relevant material from the UN organisations like UNESCO, UNDP on the debates, clarifications, International Law and how the process of human rights are to be promoted and the role of member states in implementing the protocols and covenants signed. The material is presented in the overall context of positive contribution of human rights paradigm in the World in general and India in particular by bringing expert opinions on the links between the two important ideals- rights and development. The approach of the book is to shift the discourse from political and ideological discussions to positive contribution of the human rights for human development with specific case studies from India. The book is produced keeping in view the requirements of students and activists in the area of human rights.

K. S. Chalam is a well-known economist, scholar and expert commentator on the political and social economy of India. He was Member, Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi for six years and served as Vice-Chancellor of Dravidian University, Kuppam before entering UPSC. He was Professor of Economics, founder Director, Academic Staff College Andhra University during 1976-2005 and published more than 100 research papers, 25 books in English (5 Sage) , 10 in Telugu so far. He is a prolific writer both in English and Telugu contributing edit page articles regularly in several Newspapers and Magazines. Dr Chalam was on the Planning Board of Madhya Pradesh government and served on Committees on Education of Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank, UGC and others. He is founder Editor, South India Journal of Social Sciences and chaired and participated in international conferences. He has travelled extensively in 17 countries including an official delegation to Australia. He was awarded Young Social Scientist Award in Economics by UGC, Kalinga  Seema Award, Teacher with Social Consciousness etc. He delivered endowment lectures on human development, human rights and gave inaugural and valedictory addresses at several academic and social conferences. He served the National Human Rights Commission as Special Rapporteur for South India and is now Chairman, Institute for Economic and Social Justice.
National Seminars and Conferences, He has Competitive Spirit

INDIA'S FOREIGN POLICY PM MODI REGIME | "Prime Minister Narendra Modi”



This book undertakes a comprehensive analysis and assesses the challenges of “India's Foreign Policy continuity and change under "Prime Minister Narendra Modi” regime. In this volume, research papers analyze the political, military, economic, strategic, diplomatic and geo-strategic factors responsible for the new India's Foreign Policy. The main aim of India's foreign policy is to ward off the threat of terrorism halt the arms race and safeguard and strengthen universal peace.
There is no doubt that this task has become even more important and urgent now for preserve of peace. Modi's Foreign Policy vision is driven by a desire to make India a major economic and strategic player in shaping the new Asian country. The main objective of Indian Foreign Policy is to word 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas' Non-Alignment, Anti-colonialism and Anti imperialism, Anti-racialism, peaceful coexistence, Disarmament, faith in the United Nations, Ties with commonwealth and Fight against terrorism.
We believe that this book based on research articles will helpful not only the students and teachers of international relations, defence and strategic studies, strategic thinkers and the policy makers but also will be of immense use for anybody who is interested in the India's Foreign Policy, defence & diplomacy and strategic makers for India. This Book will provide a road map that can help to both the decision makers and the general public.  
Dr. S.K. Mishra is presently principal in GDC Memorial College, Bahal (Bhiwani) Hariyana Affiliated to C.B.L. University, Bhiwani). Formerly head of the Department Defence Studies, various Govt. College of Haryana (HES-I). He has been teaching in the department since 1979. He has participated, presented, keynote speaker and chairperson in many national/international seminars and workshops related to national security National interest, Peace development and humanity. He is also as advisor of Defence Monitor National Magazine. He has written edited 38 books and more than a thousand articles and research articles on security and defence and development subjects published in national and international journals, Magazines and Newspapers. Dr. Mishra has also participated in many debates, discussions and extension lectures on these and other current affairs on the Door Darshan and Radio.
He has received  the First, Second and Third prize for original and quality writing of India's defense and security issues in Hindi by the Ministry of Defence Govt. of India continuously for Three times. Special awards for quality essay writing by the Human resource and development ministry. Govt. of India in 2000. 'Man of the year' award in 1999 given by the American Biographical institute Awarded and honored by Distinct and state administrative of Haryana Government as also by various social, educational and literary institutions of the region. He is also visiting fellow in Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur. He is also examine and conducted Ph.D. Viva Voce Top most rank officers of Indian Army and Air force of the Army Staff (General), Lt. Gen., Major Gen. Wing Commander.